McNeilus Reveals New Mixer "FLEX Controls" System

McNeilus FLEX Controls are one of the most advanced control systems in the industry, with flexibility to meet any concrete producer’s needs.

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McNeilus FLEX Controls are one of the most advanced control systems in the industry, with flexibility to meet any concrete producer’s needs.

McNeilus FLEX Controls are the ‘brains of the operation.’ They are the new nerve center that meets the demands of your job today and seamlessly upgrades for the demands of tomorrow. Whether it’s simple reliability or complex precision, our flexible system lets you add or take away functionality to meet your needs — so you can focus on getting the job done right.

  •  McNeilus FLEX Controls consolidate complete mixer monitoring onto one screen. With the new control system you have better control and less variability in loading, mixing, and delivering.
  • The new Smooth Drum Stop technology offers the smoother transitions from charge to discharge and stop/start.


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