3M Launches Online Silica Safety Tool Kit

New resource is a starting point to help safety managers navigate the dangers of silica for their workers in construction and general industry

3M wants to share its expertise, resources and PPE to help construction contractors as they work to meet the new crystalline silica exposure limit.
3M wants to share its expertise, resources and PPE to help construction contractors as they work to meet the new crystalline silica exposure limit.
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3M’s latest online informational tool kit focuses on silica, specifically the OSHA Respirable Crystalline Silica in Construction Regulation released in March 2016 (29 CFR 1926.1153). Users can learn more about the regulation and resources related to silica at 3M.com/OSHASilica

“As we help employers promote worker health and safety, we want to make it easier for safety managers to find relevant resources and to understand the safety standards and regulations in play on their worksite, and source the right equipment and training needed,” said Don Garvey, CIH, CSP of 3M Personal Safety Division.

“In simplifying this process, we hope to free up time for the safety manager to engage and communicate with their workers, and to help them better protect their workers on the job.”  

On the 3M Silica site, visitors will find key regulations and regulation updates, videos, fast facts, technical bulletins, infographics, a product selector, and more all curated by 3M industrial hygienists and certified safety professionals.

3M also outlines five key areas under the new silica regulation, and provides information and resources needed to obtain them.

  1. Written Exposure Control Plan
  2. Competent Person
  3. Housekeeping
  4. Medical Surveillance
  5. Worker Training