AASHTO Board of Directors Urges Congress to Immediately Ensure Highway Trust Fund Solvency


The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Board of Directors has passed a resolution that calls upon Congress to ensure the solvency of the nation's Highway Trust Fund this summer, before the Federal Highway Administration is forced to begin delaying reimbursements to states for transportation work underway.

"We encourage Congress to address the short-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund, but there also are long-term funding and policy issues that need addressed," said Mike Hancock, Secretary of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and AASHTO President. "AASHTO and its member states remain committed to working with Congress on a long-term reauthorization bill."

The AASHTO Board of Directors passed the resolution during the association's annual Spring Meeting in Louisville, KY.

Current USDOT forecasts anticipate delays to reimbursements to states as early as July, when most states will be in the middle of active summer maintenance and construction work.

The resolution points out that nearly 50 percent of the funding for highway construction projects is derived from the Federal-aid Highway Program; and that state DOTs rely on a daily reimbursement from FHWA for costs already incurred on federally funded highway projects. Delaying payments affects state's ability to continue work and could potentially affect whether states begin new projects.

A complete copy of the resolution is included below. Additional information on the Highway Trust Fund and the potential affects of not funding transportation infrastructure can be found at invest.transportation.org.
