Where Are All The Workers? | No Edge Lines Season 2 Episode 3

Everyone is dealing with the labor shortage in different ways, but some are having more success than others. In part two of our trip to Ocean County, New Jersey, we attend a massive construction-centered job fair for high school and vocational students.

Contractor Of The Year, Tom Eosso, finds quality workers through the local vocational training programs. So, Editor Brandon Noel traveled with him to the third annual OCVTS Construction Career Expo, where almost five-hundred students and recent graduates came to connect with companies from all across the state of New Jersey, to see the truth about what the next generation wants for their future.

The trip to Ocean County, New Jersey was so big it had to be split into two episodes (checkout part 1 here). The problem with so many searches for new workers is that they aren't going where the workers are. There is a missed connection between those who want the opportunities, and those with open positions. Many experts have reported that the current labor shortfall in the construction space is more than 500,000 workers. There's no app, software, or AI innovation that can fill that gap. The only thing that can is training more workers.