AASHTO Commends Senate EPW on the Release of its Long-Term, Multi-year Surface Transportation Bill


The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials congratulate the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on the release of its latest surface transportation authorization bill.

“We commend the EPW Committee and its leadership for its bipartisan approach to the need for a long-term, multi-year investment in transportation infrastructure,” says Bud Wright, AASHTO executive director. “The nature of the projects and programs that state departments of transportation oversee require a long-term view in order to ensure the best investment of federal, state and local tax dollars.

“While we begin the process of reviewing the specifics of the bill, we look forward to working with Sens. Boxer and Vitter and the rest of the Committee to address the looming Highway Trust Fund crisis. Current projections show the Trust Fund could reach levels that slow and halt reimbursements to state DOTs within a matter of weeks.

“We also look forward to working with the Committee and the entire Congress to preserve the successful MAP-21 framework that enables comprehensive, integrated transportation planning and programming across communities and rural areas in every state.”

Click here for additional information on potential impacts to the nation’s transportation system without the Highway Trust Fund.
