Ground Traffic Control

Drive your fleet further with data-based decisions. Overview Near real-time updates Available on desktop, tabletand mobile devices Current activity status Vehicles in motion, idling or offCluster vehicles Current traffic and road incidents Assets across multiple DOTsor accounts Historical path traveled Trip duration and miles traveled Time spent inactive Exact location and addressestraveled 24/7/365, U.S.-basedCustomer Success Features Your complete smart fleet management platform.


Drive your fleet further with data-based decisions.

Near real-time updates

Available on desktop, tabletand mobile devices

Current activity status

Vehicles in motion, idling or offCluster vehicles

Current traffic and road incidents

Assets across multiple DOTsor accounts

Historical path traveled

Trip duration and miles traveled

Time spent inactive

Exact location and addressestraveled

24/7/365, U.S.-basedCustomer Success

Your complete smart fleet management platform.

MONITORyour fleet anytime, anywhere

PINPOINTeach vehicle’s location and usage

ACCESSdetailed data online, anytime

ACCELERATEperformance, safety and compliance

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