ECHO ONE is based on proprietary 3D ultrasonic echolocation technology.

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ECHO ONE is based on proprietary 3D ultrasonic echolocation technology. Based on the principle of echolocation as seen in bats, Toposens ECHO ONE addresses the limitations of optical sensors through sound-based triangulation in combination with noise-filtering software. This in turn delivers 3D data output in real-time for each obstacle detected within the fully adjustable warn-and-stop zones. The zones can both be set to follow a mobile robot taking a left or right turn and adjust to the speed of the vehicle.

The sensor sends the obtained data (echo reflections perceived by three microphones) in a 3D point cloud format to the Toposens processing unit, which is equipped with 3D collision avoidance software.

From there, depending on which 3D zone violations are detected, the Toposens processing unit triggers either a “slow down” or “stop” command to the mobile robot’s CPU. When no zone violations are detected, the mobile robot drives on.

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