ALICE Preconstruction

Artificial intelligence-powered construction simulation platform creates schedules that reduce risk while cutting costs.

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Artificial intelligence-powered construction simulation platform creates schedules that reduce risk while cutting costs.

Simulate multiple construction strategies in minutes

With ALICE, you can explore multiple construction options to help you reduce your costs and build faster. Optimize key project resources like labor, equipment, and materials. And because ALICE is parametric, any changes you make flow immediately throughout your schedule.

What-If analysis

ALICE takes all the constraints and parameters you have defined in your plan and explores a multitude of solutions automatically by dynamically allocating resources and alternating many possible sequences. Change your parameter values to iterate through new scenarios in just a few clicks!

Selective objectives

We know that project duration and cost are very important objectives for any project. ALICE gives you the ability to control various other levers to manage your project's risk and ensure you are fulfilling all your contract requirements. Guide ALICE to explore solutions optimized for a specific milestone ... or minimized idle time... or minimized resources... and the list goes on.

P6 export

Are you interested in what's driving your schedule and activity durations? Connect ALICE to P6 with our P6 xml export to leverage your ALICE insights and inform your CPM schedule. Transfer the resource data and allocation as well as calendars and specific drivers for each activity to help you unravel all the layers of your schedule in an informed and transparent way.

Recipe library

Build and maintain libraries of your own proprietary means and methods of construction (Recipes) connected with your own resources, production rates, equipment and materials. Learn, improve and transfer your Recipes between projects to boost your efficiency!

4D schedule & analytics

Every dot in the ALICE universe isn't just a Gantt chart. It's so much more. The ALICE output includes a 4D schedule with activity details as well as KPIs, resource curves, cost over time and other cost calculations. Export the ALICE output to connect to other platforms for further analysis or customization. Generate insights and inform your decisions.

Constraint modeling

Simulate your most elaborate project challenges and restrictions to ensure that all parameters are accounted for in your plan and quickly incorporate changes in your estimates. Align your breakdown structures, set up your resource pool with production rates and quantities ... all in one place.

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