Construction Equipment EAM Software

Clue Insights CEO Oded Ran discusses going beyond CMMS to full-blown enterprise (EAM) solution for construction assets.


Some contractors are just getting started with computerized maintenance management systems (CMSS) for construction equipment fleet management. Clue Insights is pushing equipment data further into the senior business ranks, and CEO Oded Ran discusses with us here how this yields enterprise asset management (EAM) software for construction fleets.

IRONPROS: The way we look at this product category on IRONPROS, it could have to do with the built asset, as the asset is being designed and built, and there should be a single record of all the different components that are in there, the design attributes, the serial or lot numbers of materials, parts or components, records of who performed what work... everything you'd need to manage that asset over his productive life. But we also cover EAM as it's used to manage construction equipment, which is the place that Oded and his company, Clue Insights lives. So why don't you give us a quick snapshot, sir, about what it is that you do when it comes to providing that enterprise asset management view, for contractors that are running fleets, or portfolios of construction equipment.

RAN: In short, we connect to every single system a contractor uses for their heavy construction equipment. That includes all their existing telematics systems, that includes any GPS system they already have in place. That includes their centralized maintenance system, whether it's HCSS, or something else. And then we give them basically what we call a single pane of glass to see it all. So you stop having to flick around between eight different systems and multiple spreadsheets, you get to see it all in one place.

IRONPROS: We've talked on another one of these episodes about how you ingest clean, scrub standardized data from all these different systems, which I think is super cool. And, you know, you talked very offhandedly about it. But it's really remarkable. Once you have that enterprise view, you know, if you are that CFO, that C level executive, what should an enterprise asset management application really give you when it comes to that construction equipment to state that you're relying?

RAN: Great question. And yes, about CFOs know for companies in heavy construction, about a third of the value of the company is in equipment. And that's sometimes the black hole. Why is it a black hole? Because the first question you want to find out is, what do I really have? What do I have that I own and lease? What do they pay for it? What am I renting right now? Where is it, and he's being utilized? So that that information, I'd say more and more companies start to have a fairly good handle on, we still come across companies that might have multiple subsidiaries. And they literally, I was on the phone just few weeks ago, to a top 50 contractor. And they spend about eight weeks a year creating the inventory of their equipment across all their subsidiaries, because that information is simply all over the place. And so I think, first point, first, thinking about your equipment, like kids ... STREAM OUR FULL CONVERSATION FOR MORE ...

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