January 2013 Rental Rates Slip but Remain 6.8% Above 2012

Rouse Analytics show physical utilization in January fell 2.4% for both the month and the year, with backhoes showing the deepest drop at 3.6%

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Average achieved rental rates decreased 0.4% from December to January 2013 for rental companies participating in the Rouse Analytics Rental Metrics Benchmark Service. Rates are up 6.8% relative to January 2012.

Actual rates for wheel loaders dipped 1.6% in January, more than any other rental-inventory machine type that Rouse tracks.

Physical utilization in January dropped 2.4% for both the month and the year. Utilization for backhoe loaders fell most at 3.6%.

Analytics calculates rate change and physical utilization weighted by prior period activity in accordance with the ARA Rental Market Metrics standard.

PDF: Rouse Rental Report, April 2013
