American Shotcrete Association Announces the Election of New President and Officers for 2012

Joe Hutter will serve as association president.

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Joe Hutter, King Packaged Materials Company, has been elected by the ASA membership to a 1-year term as president. Hutter is the vice president of sales at King Packaged Material Company in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. He has more than 20 years of experience In the cement/shotcrete industry. Hutter is also the chair of ASA's Marketing Committee.

ASA officers elected

The ASA membership has also elected the following individuals to leadership roles in the association. Elected to 1-year terms are vice-president Michael Cotter, consultant; secretary Charles Hanskat, Concrete Engineering Group; and treasurer Ted Sofis, Sofis Company, Inc.

Hutter, Cotter, Hanskat and Sofis, plus immediate past president Patrick Bridger, Allentown Shotcrete Technology, Inc., will serve as ASA's 2012 Executive Committee.

ASA directors elected

Three individuals were elected to 3-year terms as ASA directors. The three Directors are Marcus von der Hofen, Coastal Gunite Construction Company, Dr. Lihe (John) Zhang, LZhang Consulting & Testing Ltd., and Scott Rand, King Packaged Materials Company.

The election of Charles Hanskat to the secretary position created a vacancy on the 1 year remaining on his director position term. Following ASA by-laws, the ASA Board has appointed Oscar Duckworth, Valley Concrete Services, to fill the remainder of the term.

These individuals will join with five previously elected directors (Dan Millette, The Euclid Chemical Company; Ryan Poole, DOMTEC International, LLC; Tom Norman, Airplaco Equipment Company; William Drakeley, Drakeley Industries; Ray Schallom, RCS Consulting & Construction Company) and the ASA Executive Committee to form the 14-member ASA Board of Direction for 2012.

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