Sunstar Heating Products, Inc.

Charlotte, NC 28236

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1987
Number of employees:11-50
306 W. Tremont Ave.
P.O. Box 36271
Charlotte, NC 28236
Phone:(704) 372-3486
Toll Free:1-888-778-6782
Founded in 1987, SunStar Heating Products, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gas-Fired Products, Inc. (a North Carolina Corporation founded in 1949 in Charlotte, NC). In support of our products, SunStar has an Engineering team with many years of experience in both the design and manufacture of a variety of gas appliances. SunStar Heaters keep you warm at home with our vent-free room heaters. We’re also known for warm infrared Patio heaters, heating solutions in construction spaces, manufacturing facilities and even entire buildings.
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