Little Giant Ladder Systems

Springville, UT 84663

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1972
Number of employees:201-500
1198 North Spring Creek Place
Springville, UT 84663
Phone:(801) 489-3684
Toll Free:(800) 453-1192
Hal and Brigitte Wing built their company and their people on a strong foundation, a guiding principle that every rung, every rivet, and every weld matters, because every person matters. This principle is the reason Little Giant continues to innovate and improve climbing equipment today. Many have asked us why we invest so much into research and development. Our simple answer is that we are in business to prevent injuries and save lives. Every day nearly 2,000 people are injured while using a ladder. Nearly 100 of them suffer a long-term or even permanent disability. And every day, one person dies, never returning home to family and friends. These numbers are staggering when you think of each individual’s life, and especially the people who love them and are left behind.* We are driven not by the number of ladders we build, but by the individuals who use them—the hard-working men and women of the world that are the back bone of industry and progress. They put their lives at risk to make things happen. They are dedicated working people with families, hopes and dreams. If we can help one more of these people get home safely each day, we will have done our job—this is what gets us out of bed each morning. This is why we do it.
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