Hüga Technology: The Vaccine for Inefficiency in the Construction Industry

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Gonzalo Viramonte @gonzaloviramonte

The use of brick in our constructions for over 5,000 years is a clear example of how the construction industry is reluctant to change. To modernize or upgrade. Not till today has construction had a satisfactory solution, one that renders slow and expensive traditional systems that require skilled labor which is increasingly scarce, obsolete.

The construction paradox, lies in the tremendous increase of unsatisfied demand in housing, schools, hospitals, shops, etc. Reality shows, the inability of the industry to provide, a high quality, professionally designed, affordable product.

The need for a radical break with the traditional and out of date systems, is present now more than ever. Construction’s inefficiency must stop. The only way is for a modernization of processes, industrialization and digitization of companies. A simple comparison between both our and the transport industries, shows just how outdated we are. To put it in perspective, construction requires 800% more labor to build 1 ft2 than what the automotive industry uses to manufacture the same surface area of ​​a car.

Logos De Hüga Y Grandio Juntos PngGrandio has created Hüga Technology. A construction technology based on 79 years of experience, its own patents and more than 35.000 hours in development. A multidisciplinary team of 23 professionals, civil, mechanical and industrial engineers, architects, industrial designers and specialist technicians have worked on the design of this innovative construction system. Its versatility allows for a 99% construction off-site, for all: houses, schools, hotel suits, shops, ATMs, etc.

In most cases, the industrialization of production processes required large investments. Grandio has this solved. Any company, from the small family business to the large multinational, may have access to Hüga Tech. The objective is to "democratize technology" by means of a technological license affordable to professionals or construction companies that want to optimize their production and commercialization.

Through this technology, Grandio seeks to promote opportunities of evolution and grow for everyone involved in the industry. With Hüga Technology, units are built in reinforced concrete and design for minimal maintenance, low energy costs and environmentally friendly, modular (can be expanded in a day), fully mobile, resistant to earthquake, wild fire, hurricanes and suitable for all types of climates, even the most extreme.

Hüga Technology aims to revolutionize the construction industry, achieving innovation in the final product, in its commercialization and especially in its manufacturing process. With the use of Modern Construction Methods (MMC) and the efficiency of World Class Manufacturing (WCM), all companies in the Hüga ecosystem will be able to present disruptive building responses to the current and future demand of our planet.

The massive use of this technology will accelerate the urgent changes that our population needs. The Grandio R&D laboratory, considering continuous evolution processes, works on innovations that are shared with the entire Hüga ecosystem, enhancing collaborative work between partners. End consumers or companies using the technology will benefit from all the new developments at no cost.

Hüga Suite Int 150 DpiGonzalo Viramonte @gonzaloviramonte

With the implementation of Hüga Technology, companies will achieve a true process of digital transformation, essential to achieve new standards of excellence, quality, deadlines, costs, optimization, etc., which implies the industrialization of construction.

Companies under a Hüga Technology license will have daily monitoring and technical support from professionals in both construction and sales process. Professional teams will be trained in all stages of the construction cycle, prior to the start of manufacturing. Due to WCM and the use of powerful management software (user ID, BPM, ECM, analytics, etc.), a complete real-time monitoring of tasks, deadlines, costs, supplies, safety and hygiene processes, etc., is obtained. Virtual and mixed reality technologies are also used for the execution, monitoring and control of the construction. On the other hand, the building partner is provided with a CRM software for management, marketing, loyalty and sales.

Hüga Technology came to change history in the construction industry. Hüga came to revolutionize our way of living, undertaking or investing.
