Euclid Chemical

A strength-enhancing admixture, EUCON Eco-Strength improves both early- and late-age strength development in concrete. Based on a highly engineered admixture technology that facilitates cement hydration, EUCON Eco-Strength enhances strength development and allows for sustainable construction practices to be achieved through possible total cementitious content reduction. Maintaining compressive strength development equivalent to that of a reference mix containing more cementitious is important in all construction projects requiring CO2 emissions and total embodied energy reduction. EUCON Eco-Strength is particularly effective where heat is present while curing, allowing earlier stripping of forms or restoring the serviceability of concrete repairs.


  • Enhanced cement hydration
  • Lowers CO2 impact by allowing for reduction of cement
  • Increases strength development at both early and late-ages
  • Allows for reduction in cement content
  • Higher replacement levels of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) can be incorporated
  • Minimal effect on setting time
  • Improved workability, finishing characteristics, and surface appearance
  • Permits earlier stripping of forms and allows for the reuse of forms
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