California Asphalt Pavement Association

West Sacramento, CA 95691

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1953
Number of employees:2-10
1550 Harbor Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA 95691
The California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA), originally founded in 1953 in Los Angeles, is a non-profit trade association and is comprised of asphalt producers, refiners, paving contractors, testing labs, consulting engineers, product suppliers, equipment manufacturers and representatives from other companies related to the asphalt pavement industry in California. CalAPA members operate facilities in every part of the state. The association works closely with Caltrans, local agencies, university researchers and regional and national industry associations. CalAPA has strategic alliances with public agencies and the National Asphalt Pavement Association, the Asphalt Institute and the Asphalt Alliance. CalAPA members and activities reflect a broad, comprehensive base of knowledgeable resources available to assist its members, the industry and all others interested in asphalt pavements. CalAPA is dedicated to serving the industry, working in partnership with public agencies, and improving California's asphalt pavement infrastructure for the benefit of all Californians.
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