Texada Software Launches SaaS Subscription Model for its Industry-Leading Systematic Rental Management System

Texada Software Inc. announced today that it has launched a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) subscription deployment option for its industry- leading Systematic Rental Management (SRM) system.


Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Texada Software Inc. announced today that it has launched a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) subscription deployment option for its industry-leading Systematic Rental Management (SRM) system. With over 25 years of experience helping rental and construction operations improve their asset management and customer facing operations, Texada has incorporated its feature rich rental application into this new SaaS offering.

The Texada SRM SaaS subscription option allows organizations to benefit from the expertise of the trusted and experienced Texada team without the need for additional internal resources. It includes all the infrastructure, software, hardware, and connectivity that a rental or construction operation requires to reap the benefits of the SRM system. The solution is delivered by Texada through a highly resilient, robust and secure hosting platform.

Brian Spilak, president at Texada comments, "We're pleased to be able to extend our deployment options for the SRM system as we know that it can sometimes be a difficult decision for an organization to commit to a full-scale on premise solution. The new SRM SaaS deployment helps reduce customer's overall operational IT costs while offering superior scalability, security and business continuity assurance".

Texada also announced that it has successfully deployed its first customer within the SRM SaaS environment. Cooper Equipment Rentals, a leading construction equipment independent rental operation in Ontario, went live on the SRM SaaS application earlier this month.

"SaaS affords us all the benefits of the latest SRM software, without the hassle of owning, leasing, maintaining, upgrading, and backing up on our own servers. SaaS allows us to focus on what we do best - providing Equipment Rental Solutions to our customers - and leave IT systems management to the professionals", says Doug Dougherty from Cooper.
