Ram Board

Burbank, CA 91502

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1999
Number of employees:51-200
716 S. Flower St.
Burbank, CA 91502
Ram Board is a top provider of temporary floor protection products for contractors, remodelers and flooring professionals. Proper floor protection during construction reduces potential damage to new or existing floors. Ram Board’s temporary floor covering protects from scratches, spills, dents and more. Ram Board rolls out fast and flat and replaces the need for bulky sheets of Masonite floor protection. Just one roll of Ram Board equates to 10 sheets of Masonite. The majority of construction and remodeling jobs require a temporary protective floor covering, so be sure you’re selecting from the leading brand in the industry. Ram Board’s patented features such as Spill Guard™, Wall Guard™ and Flex-Fiber™ technology ensures that contractors are provided with highly dependable jobsite floor protection.
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