NAPA Welcomes Highway Bill Conference Report; Urges Lawmakers to Pass It Now

Inclusion of $24 million for Pavement Technologies applauded.


The National Asphalt Pavement Association is pleased that the House–Senate Transportation Conference Committee has delivered its report to Congress with all conferees signing off on the report. By crafting a compromise bill that lasts through fiscal year 2014, the conferees give a degree of near-term stability to the road construction industry and to departments of transportation across the country. NAPA now urges the full Senate and House of Representatives to expedite passage of the report and deliver it to President Obama for his signature.

“The transportation construction industry has been languishing with uncertainty for too long. This two-year bill is the right step forward, and Congress must act swiftly to approve the conference report,” said NAPA President Mike Acott. “The additional year of funding will bring short-term certainty for the highway market and, at the very least, will help sustain jobs in the asphalt pavement industry.”

The bill provides $39.7 billion in highway construction funds for fiscal year (FY) 2013 and $40.3 billion for FY2014, allowing states to move forward with critical road maintenance, improvement, and construction projects. Road construction and maintenance provides jobs for thousands of men and women across the county. It also helps improve the economy by ensuring that people and goods can travel freely among communities.

NAPA also applauds Congress for including support for the Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Pavement Technologies program. The program will provide $12 million in FY2012 and $12 million in FY2013 to support the implementation and deployment of innovative pavement technologies. This effort will speed the adoption of cost-effective, sustainable pavements, as well as improve pavement design, maintenance, and construction.

“The leadership of the House and Senate should be congratulated for getting the conference report done,” said Acott. “Now, they must finish the job and deliver a bill to the president so that vital road work can begin.”
