ARTBA Gridlock Clock Tracks Congressional Inaction on Overdue Transport Bill

Clock draws attention to more than 835 days since expiration of the last multi-year surface transportation reauthorization law

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The American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) started a Gridlock Clock drawing attention to the more than 835 days that have passed since the expiration of the last multi-year surface transportation reauthorization law, known as SAFETEA-LU.

"The time for congressional dithering and gamesmanship is over," said ARTBA President Pete Ruane. "It's now time for the Congress to do its job and take action on a long-term highway and transit investment bill."

The Gridlock Clock is featured on ARTBA's home page and includes a toll-free action hotline so the association's members can urge their congressional delegations to pass new legislation. The grassroots mobilization is the continuation of a multi-faceted advocacy and media blitzkrieg that will be expanded during the next few months.

SAFETEA-LU expired September 30, 2009. Since that time, Congress has kept the highway and transit programs operating under a series of eight extensions. Continued uncertainty on a long-term bill has had negative impacts on state transportation planning process, transportation construction industry job creation and capital investment decisions.

ARTBA and its members are continuing to push for a multi-year bill that, at minimum, maintains current federal highway and transit investment levels.

The year 2012 marks ARTBA's 110th anniversary of serving as the "consensus voice" of the U.S. transportation design and construction industry.
