8 Business Management Apps for Pavement Contractors

Run your business more effectively with the help of these mobile apps and platforms.

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The industry is constantly evolving, new equipment and techniques are being introduced, customers are expecting high-quality work done in half the time. To keep your business on-track and ahead of your competition, the use of apps can help aid your company growth and success.

“Using software and apps has everything you need at your fingertips,” says Tom Eosso, president of Eosso Brothers Paving. “No more important paperwork getting lost in the shuffle like proposals and contracts, site maps, punch lists and more.”

From project manager to laborer, everyone has a smartphone or tablet. This is a great time to improve efficiency and speed up project timelines with mobile solutions. Here are a few applications we found that might help you start your search .

Project Management


Basecamp is a project management tool that allows teams to communicate with fewer meetings. Break up work on separate projects. Base Camp ImageEach project contains anything related to the work at hand – people involved, discussions, documents, tasks, important dates etc.

  • The App works on iOS, Android, Mac and PC
  • Clear accountability and visibility into everyone’s responsibilities
  • Upload documents and files for a place to hold information related to that project
  • Chat casually with the group or share information with a group chat feature

Pavement Soft

New Pvm SoftThis application is a project management tool that doubles as a measurement and job costing platform.

  • Track and manage clients, leads, properties, managers and opportunities
  • Measure properties, plot and map out work areas
  • Prepare customized bids and share thought email or text with clients
  • Generate work orders, print directions, material spec sheets or production notes
  • Use calendar tool to schedule crews and jobs
  • Pavement Soft can integrate with quickbooks, amazon web services, google maps, hubspot, chrome and docusign


Pro CruimagePROcru provides a dashboard that takes the guesswork out, providing a workflow from start to finish.

  • Customer Relation Management (CRM): Input site, property manager and company information all in one location
  • Proposals: Set reminders for existing proposals and sale opportunities, increasing closing percentages
  • Estimating: Data that is collected flows can be input into a workflow for proposals
  • Scheduling: Scheduling management tool increases productivity and streamline communication for staff and clients
  • Reporting: Management reports provide insights to understand and control business. Real time numbers can be pulled around the clock for every job in the system

Measurements & Job Costing

Go iPave

This cloud-based software makes it fast and easy for pavement maintenance contractors to measure and bid jobs with areal imagery in a more accurate, efficient and safe manner.Goipave2

  • Point-and-click measuring tools allow contractors to create proposals
  • Reduce drive time and fuel costs associated with property measurement
  • Works for all property types – commercial, residential, industrial properties, airports, home owners associations
  • Integrates with smart business tools such as Microsoft Excel
  • Easily save, print or email photos or proposals
  • Web based program, does not require any software installation

WheelitoffWheel It Off

This application is a measurement tool that can integrate with PavementLayers.com which enables users to create, manage and track proposals.

  • Pavement Layers (which goes hand-in-hand with Wheel It Off) is a cloud-based solution for prospecting, sales pipeline, estimating/operation, proposal management and integration.
  • Integration includes Quickbooks, ProSite Audit and Wheel It Off
  • Wheel It Off includes 10 different available map views
  • Available for Android and iOS systems
  • Tracking mode to measure as you go

Fleet Management


Samsara provides insights driven by real-time visibility on one platform to increase safety and efficiency.

  • Manage operations from one place – identify efficiency improvements by tracking all your machines on a cloud-based dashboard
  • Streamline project delivery – real-time GPS, scheduling across your entire fleet
  • Keep your team safe – ensure your workers are safe on the road and jobsite with dash cams and safety coaching tools
  • Turn data into actionable insights in a centralized location


Tread is a mobile platform that makes the business of moving raw materials in the industry, more profitability, more efficient, more productive and more E Ticketing Copyconnected. It also provides visibility into a workflow that has historically been paper-based.

  • Paperless e-ticketing solution
  • Flexible scheduling and dispatch
  • Real-time and historical analytics
  • Optimize trucking routes and material movement – live GPS tracking

Verizon Connect

Track vehicles in the field, improve operations, increase worker productivity and encourage safer driving with Verizon Connect.

  • GPS tracking for all equipment
  • Visibility for managing multiple jobsites and resourcesVerizon Connect
  • Integrated video options to help mitigate risk for safer driving behavior
  • Dispatching and push job assignments directly to a user’s smartphone with the mobile app

There is an abundance of apps and cloud-based programs out there to utilize. Another tip Eosso shared, "Always field test apps before rolling out to company." With the right planning and implementation, the software you choose could transform the way you operate and enhance the customer experience. 

Read Next: 14 Apps that Help Contractors Work Smarter, Not Harder.

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