RedTeam Financials

RedTeam’s unique approach to creating, negotiating, and controlling project communications online streamlines collaboration and captures a complete and unimpeachable record of project documents, commentary, and associated metadata along the way.


RedTeam’s unique approach to creating, negotiating, and controlling project communications online streamlines collaboration and captures a complete and unimpeachable record of project documents, commentary, and associated metadata along the way. With RedTeam’s collaborative console work remotely from anywhere and share documents with anyone working on the project to have a history of every interchange.

With RedTeam’s construction project management software, you can produce detailed AIA-style billing as progress billing or cost-plus billing. You can then invite clients to collaborate on preparing these documents and keep an accurate record of all the communication that is taking place during the construction process. Use preloaded G702/703 AIA-styled contracts for customer compliance—complete progress billing on AIA-style applications for payment or letter-style invoices. Efficiently manage cost-plus billing to your customers when it is needed.


Construction CRM

Project Management

Project Collaboration

Financial Management

Field Management

Reporting & Analytics

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