
Collect and view daily production volumes, on demand Gain visibility into production activities with survey-grade machine sensors and volume measurements, available daily.


Collect and view daily production volumes, on demand

Gain visibility into production activities with survey-grade machine sensors and volume measurements, available daily.

Seamless integration of drone surveys and machine data

Up-to-date RTK-accurate surfaces every 30 mins

Seamless integration of drone surveys and machine data provides easy access to up-to-date volumes and productivity data every day.

Drone surveying is a fast, safe, and reliable way to collect highly accurate worksite data on a regular basis.

Construction and earthworks teams across the world are using drone technology paired with Propeller PPK to collect, process, analyze, and visualize this data to improve their business. While drone surveys capture data from the sky, DirtMate captures data on the ground. Working together, drone surveying and DirtMate become a true powerhouse team.

Now, with DirtMate mounted to the machines on site (any machine, any manufacturer), contractors can get production volume measurements, every day, on demand.

Gain access to rich, accurate worksite data and production efficiency insights that are simple to view, understand, share, and use.

Fill the gaps in your site data and gain a competitive edge

Critical productivity data is often gathered infrequently and pulled from many (often disconnected) sources, leading to gaps in the data that impair your ability to effectively manage your project day-to-day.

DirtMate helps fill in those gaps, giving you a complete and highly accurate view into your operations. With DirtMate and your high-accuracy survey data, you’ll have a holistic, up-to-date view of your site, complete with daily volumes, cut/fill heatmaps, progress-to-design measurements within the Propeller Platform, and more.

Is your project on track? Are you making money or burning cash from inefficiencies? Are there operational risks on site that need to be addressed?With DirtMate, you have the data-backed answers to all of these questions, so you can monitor and manage your worksite effectively, every day. And when you know what’s happening on (and off) your worksite, you are better equipped to be proactive in your business and stay a step ahead of your competition. After all, a better measured and visualized site is a better managed site, right?

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