Digital Time and Material Tags

Get paid faster by instantly sharing your T&M Tags with your customer and the home office, eliminating days or weeks of processing time.


Ridiculously fast

Get paid faster by instantly sharing your T&M Tags with your customer and the home office, eliminating days or weeks of processing time.

Ridiculously good

Support your high-quality work with clean and professional T&M cover sheets that are backed up with photo documentation.

Connect the field and office with a real-time T&M Log

All T&M Tags created in the Clearstory web or mobile app are instantly logged back in the home office. Tags include time-stamped photos taken on a mobile device, and anyone on your team can edit and review T&M Tags prior to submitting a perfect Tag for customer signature.

Simplify Digital Signatures and Revisions

Stop hunting down signatures on site and instead request digital signatures via email. Tags can be Signed, Revised and Resubmitted or Rejected with comments. If the supervisor is available in person, they can sign directly on the device and add standard comments.

Create error-free CORs with preloaded rates

T&M Tags created in the Clearstory web or mobile app can select from pre-loaded rates for Labor, Material, Equipment and Other. Once signed, the office can then combine multiple T&M Tags together and submit one accurate and professional COR to your customer.
