Customized Dredging Solutions

DSC Dredge, LLC offers customized portable cutter suction dredges of all sizes and applications for use in construction, environmental, mining, navigational, recreational, restoration and specialty applications

DSC Dredge NCDOT Dredge Manteo 1 587640fc4b63c

DSC Dredge, LLC offers customized portable cutter suction dredges of all sizes and applications for use in construction, environmental, mining, navigational, recreational, restoration and specialty applications.

  • Barracuda Class dredge features a swinging-ladder design used most often in waterway maintenance and lake revitalization projects
  • Moray Class conventional/swinging-ladder dredge provides a versatile design in a smaller portable package for use in environmental cleanup and irrigation applications.
  • Shark Class cutter suction dredge offers a tough, yet portable design most commonly used in the sand and aggregate production
  • Badger Class and Wolverine Class dredges offer a compact, portable design that is fully functional by one operator
  • Marlin Class deep mining dredge features an underwater pump system and high-torque cutter drive
  • Several  platforms available with electric power for applications requiring sustainable attributes
  • CONEXPO-CON/AGG Booth #C20523
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