Kawasaki Heavy Industries

Tokyo 105-8315

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1896
Number of employees:10001+
Kaigan, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-8315
Together with about 100 group companies in Japan and overseas, Kawasaki Heavy Industries oversees the formation of a "technology corporate group."​ Our technological capabilities, polished over a history that exceeds a century, send diverse products forth into wide-ranging fields that go beyond land, sea, and air, extending from the ocean depths to space. Our aerospace division is active in products ranging from aircraft to satellites. The products that our rolling stock division delivers to the world include Shinkansen and New York subway cars, while our ship and offshore structure division's products range from gas carriers and large tankers to submarines, and our energy solutions division covers the spectrum from development and manufacture of energy equipment to management systems.
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