Kryton International Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM)

Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to create permanently waterproof concrete.

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Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to create permanently waterproof concrete. KIM lowers the permeability of concrete, and is used in place of surface applied waterproofing membranes. By stopping the transmission of water through concrete, KIM adds durability and longevity to concrete by protecting it against chemical attack and corrosion of reinforcing steel.

KIM contains Krystol technology. When added to concrete, Krystol chemically reacts with water and un-hydrated cement particles to form insoluble needle-shaped crystals that fill capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete and block the pathways for water and waterborne contaminants. Any moisture introduced over the lifespan of the concrete will initiate crystallization, ensuring permanent waterproofing protection.

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