EFCO Corp.

Des Moines, Iowa 50313

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1951
Number of employees:1001-5000
1800 N.E. Broadway Ave.
Des Moines, Iowa 50313
Phone:(515) 266-1141
Toll Free:(888) 289-3326
EFCO is headquartered in Monett, Missouri and provides innovative customer solutions to satisfy commercial design challenges from historical replication to cutting-edge new construction. EFCO manufactures architectural windows, curtain walls, storefronts, and entry systems designed for commercial construction needs. With a network of independent sales agencies across the nation, EFCO has the talent and resources to deliver customer satisfaction and quality. EFCO has been a major provider in the fenestration industry for over 65 years. In June of 2017, Apogee Enterprises acquired EFCO, and has positioned the company to meet growing demands and challenges for many more years to come.
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