Polished Concrete Solutions, part of the Aramsco family

Sanford, ME 4073

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1996
Number of employees:11-50
1625 Main Street
Sanford, ME 4073
Toll Free:(800) 827-6547
Fax:(207) 850-2122
Polished Concrete Solutions is a family-owned top distributor of polished and decorative concrete products. PCS offers a full line of its own polished concrete products along with distribution of products from companies such as Metzger & McGuire, Husqvarna, US Saws, Lavina, STI, and American Specialty Glass to name a few. Polished Concrete Solution's steady growth has been fueled by a strong commitment to make only the best products available to its clients through a convenient online store. At any time you can call a representative to assist you in choosing the best products for your specific needs.
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