American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)

Washington, DC 20007-3389

Company Overview

ARTBA is a federation whose primary goal is to aggressively grow and protect transportation infrastructure investment to meet the public and business demand for safe and efficient travel

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 1902
Number of employees:11-50
1219 28th Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20007-3389
Headquartered today in Washington, D.C., just blocks from the White House, ARTBA's mission is simple We are a federation whose primary goal is to aggressively grow and protect transportation infrastructure investment to meet the public and business demand for safe and efficient travel. In support of this mission, ARTBA also provides programs and services designed to give its 5,000+ public and private sector members a global competitive edge. ARTBA's core values and principles-defined and reflected in the association's governance, management, policies and program of work-include integrity and the highest ethical standards, visionary leadership that always focuses on the future, an "action-oriented" approach and intelligent risk taking.
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