FMI Expects 2013 Construction Put in Place Grew 7%

Construction-industry consultant anticipates final 2013 numbers -- tallied in April -- will be bouyed by 18% growth in residential construction

FMI expects that when final construction-put-in-place numbers are tallied in April, total construction in 2013 will have grown 7 percent, propelled by 18 percent growth in residential construction.
FMI expects that when final construction-put-in-place numbers are tallied in April, total construction in 2013 will have grown 7 percent, propelled by 18 percent growth in residential construction.

Construction-industry consultant FMI expects that when final construction-put-in-place numbers are tallied in April, total construction in 2013 will have grown 7 percent.

Document: FMI Q4 2013 Construction Outlook Report

Select market predictions from the Q4 2013 Construction Outlook Report include:

  • Residential – Forecasts show residential construction ending 2013 with 18 percent growth. Multifamily construction has been particularly strong in the past two years with growth of 48 percent in 2012 and 38 percent in 2013. With rents still high and household formations low, multifamily construction is expected to continue growing.
  • Power – After a booming return in 2012, power construction slowed to just 2 percent growth in 2013. However, the industry is expected to grow an additional 5 percent in 2014 to reach $101.4 billion.
  • Manufacturing – Growth in manufacturing construction will end around 4 percent for 2013. This upward trend will continue, reaching 6 percent or more starting in 2015.
  • Lodging – After several years of sharp decline during the recession, lodging construction continues its solid comeback in 2013, growing 18 percent. This sector is expected to grow another 10 percent in 2014. Improvement of existing properties will continue to be a focus for the industry.
  • Amusement and Recreation – The recent announcement of a $672 million stadium for the Atlanta Braves gives amusement and recreation construction a 2014 boost. Construction put in place for 2014 should reach $15.7 billion, with additional growth through 2017.
  • Transportation – Completed construction of transportation projects in 2013 is expected to end 12 percent above 2012 levels, with additional growth of 6 percent in 2014. The airline industry is expected to play a role in this growth. Airlines are now ordering a record number of new planes to prepare for growth over the next decade.

Video: PCA Forecasts Doubling of Cement-Consumption Growth in 2014

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