ConsensusDoc Celebrates 150% Increase in Users in Six Years

The ConsensusDocs Coalition continues to set records as it celebrates six years of publishsing

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The ConsensusDocs Coalition continues to set records as it celebrates six years of publishing the only standard contracts written and endorsed by dozens of leading design and construction industry associations. Some of the more remarkable statistics include:

  • 150% increase in users
  • 100% increase in Coalition size and breadth
  • 50% increase in contract documents published, including several industry firsts
  • Public owners increasingly requiring ConsensusDocs contracts
  • Timely contract updates to keep pace with the changing law and industry
  • Launch of new technology platform facilitating stakeholder collaboration

ConsensusDocs are the only consensus standard contracts written by a coalition of 40 design and construction industry associations. ConsensusDocs remains committed to keeping a project-first philosophy mission with contracts that are written in plain English, incorporate best practices, and address emerging trends.
