Exaktime, Inc.

Calabasas, CA 91301

Company Details
27001 Agoura Rd. Suite 280
Calabasas, CA 91301
Phone:(818) 222-1836
Toll Free:(888) 788-8463
Fax:(818) 222-6148

Thousands of business owners have saved time and money by replacing handwritten time cards with The JobClock System. The JobClock System takes the guesswork out of payroll, resulting in improved efficiency and a significant reduction in labor costs. The JobClock System accurately tracks each and every worker's time on all your jobs.

The JobClock is locked down at each jobsite to collect attendance as it happens. It's easy - workers just touch their Keytabs to any JobClock to clock in and out. Important features include: the ability to remain outside in any kind of weather, it's battery-powered, and it's portable.

For service and route work, use PocketClock/GPS - software that turns a Windows PDA into a mobile timeclock. PocketClock travels with your workers, using global positioning technology to pinpoint their location when they clock in and out.

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