The Safety and Risk Management Council of the ASCC Offers Three New Safety Bulletins

Safety Bulletins are brief discussions of the most severe safety issues facing concrete contractors and are published periodically.


The Safety and Risk Management Council (SRMC) of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) has published three new Safety Bulletins: Hexavalent Chromium, Protecting Jobsite Visitors and Reduce Risk Factors from Manual Handling Tasks: Bag Handling.

Safety Bulletins are brief discussions of the most severe safety issues facing concrete contractors and are published periodically. ASCC members receive a complete set of Bulletins when they join the organization. They are available for sale to non-members. For more information click here.

The SRMC is a specialty council of the ASCC, dedicated to making ASCC contractors the safest in the industry. The Council board consists of safety and insurance professionals from all aspects of the concrete contracting industry. The group meets three times a year and spends countless additional hours overseeing safety matters for the organization. Council activities include publication development, review and monitoring of ASCC events and materials for safety compliance, member education, maintaining a safety awards program, and staffing a safety hotline.

