Prequalification Forms Package Contract Documents Free from ConsensusDocs

More owners are requiring ConsensusDocs contracts; free package allows firms to bid on these projects without paying for the forms

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ConsensusDocs is making available a new free package of standard contract documents to make the design and construction bidding process easier for all involved parties. The contract document coalition is making its Prequalification Forms Package available for free so firms can bid on projects that require ConsensusDocs contracts without having to pay for the prequalification documents.

ConsensusDocs Executive Director and Counsel Brian Perlberg says that an increasing number of public and private owners are requiring firms to use ConsensusDocs contracts for their projects. Offering the package of documents for free will allow firms to bid on these projects without having to first pay for the prequalification forms.

The Prequalification Forms Package includes the following documents:

  • ConsensusDocs 220 Constructor’s Statement of Qualifications for Engineered Construction
  • ConsensusDocs 221 Constructor’s Statement of Qualifications
  • ConsensusDocs 222 Architect-Engineer’s Statement of Qualifications
  • ConsensusDocs 421 Design-Builder’s Statement of Qualifications
  • ConsensusDocs 721 Subcontractor’s Statement of Qualifications

ConsensusDocs are the only consensus standard contracts written and endorsed by a unique coalition of 38 design and construction industry associations. ConsensusDocs remains committed to improving the industry by providing best practice contract documents.
