Construction Marketing Association

Naperville, IL 60563

Company Details
Years in business:Since: 2009
Number of employees:11-50
1700 Park St. #111
Naperville, IL 60563
Phone:(630) 868-5061
The Construction Marketing Association (CMA) is a professional group focused on a broad range of resources and support for marketers in the construction category, along with regional and local chapters, and several Groups and sub-committees. CMA publishes the Construction Marketing Blog. And CMA sponsors the CMA STARâ„¢ Awards for construction marketing. CMA has a marketing training division, the Construction Marketing Institute (CMI), which offers a Certified Construction Marketing Professional (CCMP) certificate and designation, along with webcasts, seminars and on-site training. The association is sponsoring a research study to determine media usage of contractors and construction firms. In addition, CMA is developing a Construction Brand Internet Index that measures the relative strength of a websites traffic, search optimization and social media. Join our Linkedin Group, connect with the Chairman Neil M. Brown on Linkedin. Follow us on Twitter, Friend CMA on Facebook, and subscribe to email alerts from our Construction Marketing Blog.
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