Growth in State & Local Transportation Funding Initiatives Focus of Workshop

ARTBA will host workshop in conjunction with its annual P3 Conference in Washington, D.C.

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With nearly 40 states having introduced measures relating to transportation funding so far this year, it’s clear that governors and state legislators are working to address their infrastructure challenges. Participants will explore the impacts of these legislative developments, what they might mean for congressional action on the Highway Trust Fund, and much more during the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) 2nd Annual National Workshop for State & Local Transportation Advocates,” scheduled for July 15 in the nation’s Capital.

The event, hosted by the Transportation Investment Advocacy Center (TIAC) and held in conjunction with ARTBA’s Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Conference, will discuss some of the “lessons learned” from the 14 states that have raised their state gas tax in the past three years. It will feature an interactive session where attendees break into small groups to discuss their own real-world campaign challenges and share “best practices” on how to overcome them.

In addition to addressing the increase in legislative measures, ARTBA Chief Economist Dr. Alison Premo Black will provide an overview of proposed ballot initiatives.

Other key “Express Learning” sessions will feature:

  • A Roundtable Discussion on Successful Lockbox Initiatives with executive directors of the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin and the Central Maryland Transportation Alliance;
  • Lessons Learned from Recent Campaigns in Kentucky, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with executive directors from Kentuckians for Better Transportation and Construction Industries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island;
  • A discussion of Georgia local successful and failed initiatives with the director of the Georgia Transportation Alliance;
  • A luncheon panel with state legislators; and
  • A Roundtable Discussion on Recent Initiatives in Texas and New Hampshire, with the president of Move Texas Forward and the director of government relations at Pike Industries

View the full agenda and register at
