Arizona Transportation Board Approves Five-Year Construction Program

Projects feature an emphasis on preservation


Projects to preserve, modernize and expand Arizona’s highway system have now been formally approved to move forward over the next five years.

The State Transportation Board voted to adopt the 2015-2019 Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program. The board’s action determines which projects are now programmed in Greater Arizona while allocating dedicated funding to the preservation of Arizona’s existing highway system over the next five years. In addition, six major projects will move forward in the Pima County region and four major projects will advance in the Maricopa County region using, in part, funding generated by those regions.

“ADOT continues to focus on preservation and protecting our investment of more than $19 billion in the state highway system,” said ADOT Director John Halikowski. “We have also worked closely with the board over the last few months and followed their guidance to move improvement projects forward that are important to the communities we serve and that fit into ADOT’s long-range transportation plan.”

Much like the current Five-Year Program, the 2015-2019 Five-Year Program reflects a major focus on preserving the existing state highway system while moving some programmed projects forward. ADOT must prioritize projects due to stagnant revenue from the gas and vehicle license taxes and from decreased federal funding — all of which support the Five-Year Program. The 2015-2019 Five-Year Program includes a three-percent increase in preservation spending over the current program, with a steady increase in preservation funding over the next 10 years. 

For a list of projects, click here.
