ARTBA-APTA Transportation Ad Campaign Wins Awards

The TV and radio advertising campaign, “What Would Presidents Reagan and Clinton Do?” developed by ARTBA and the APTA has been honored in two categories.

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WASHINGTON - The TV and radio advertising campaign, "What Would Presidents Reagan and Clinton Do?" developed by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has been honored in two categories in the 2011 "MarCom Awards" by the Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals.

The MarCom Awards is an international competition recognizing outstanding creativity and achievement by marketing and communications professionals in the concept, writing, and design of print, visual, audio, and web materials and programs. Entries come from corporate marketing and communications departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, and production companies. This year, judges selected winners from over 6,000 applications.

The television ad, recognized in the "Platinum" category, and the radio ad, which earned "Gold," feature excerpts of Reagan and Clinton during their respective presidencies talking about the importance of highway and transit investment to the economy. The goal of the ad campaign was to elevate transportation into the ongoing congressional debate about the federal budget and future investment priorities, and to prod Congress to move forward on a long-term infrastructure reauthorization bill.

The ad was produced in partnership with "Something Else Strategies," a media and communications firm with offices in Washington, D.C., South Carolina and Alabama.

The TV spot ran on CNN, FOX, NBC's "Meet the Press" and ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour" in the D.C.-Metro area, and the radio ad aired regularly on WTOP — Washington's highest rated news talk station, along with major cities around the country such as New York, Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta and Seattle among others. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce-led Americans for Transportation Mobility coalition also ran the radio spot recently in key congressional district media markets.
