Bergkamp M310CS Paver

Bergkamp offers the new M310CS truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver, which receives power from the Tier 4 truck engine that fulfills stringent emissions regulations.

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Bergkamp offers the new M310CS truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver with no side engine, which fulfills stringent emissions regulations.

  • Simple, efficient operation and reduced maintenance for a better bottom line
  • EMCAD (Electronic Mix Control and Diagnostic) System manages power inputs and electronically controls material outputs to maintain the desired mix design and simplify calibration
  • Direct-drive hydraulics controlled by EMCAD System monitors and adjusts material ratios automatically according to the set points of the ingredients, production control setting, and instantaneous feedback from the delivery system sensors to provide consistent mix
  • Electronically self-diagnoses control system, reducing troubleshooting and repair time
  • Carries 10 cu. yds. of aggregate, 630 gals. of both asphalt emulsion and water and 80 gals. of additive
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